Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Updated Sched

I updated my (tentative) 2014 schedule, finally!!  

A Fighting Chance in February. You already know the premise so I'm not going to give you the rundown again. 

Fuel in May. Female POV. Drug trafficking. Brazil. A love interest who might be a cold-blooded killer. Fun times.

Breathlessly in December. This is Abel's book. And probably my last foray into contemporary romance for a very long time.


  1. I love sweet, happy, and easy romances. That hasn't been the case for any of your books, but I still fell in love with them. It makes me sad that Abel's story will probably be your last contemporary romance for a while. I do understand your need to move on from that, Either way, I'm very excited to read AFC.

    1. Thank you for such a sweet message, Billie Mac!!
